Liturgy Guild

Occasional Saturday meetings where we make creative decisions about our liturgical life together: Open space, hymns, liturgy, aesthetics. Open to everyone.

Choral Guild

Comprised of whoever shows up at 4:20 on Sundays to go through the music with our Cantor, Jamie. They learn the harmonies and then sit among the congregation to help hold the singing.

Weekly Setup/Cleanup Volunteers

Weekly commitments to help set-up, clean-up, make communion bread, set up the altar, greet people, or provide refreshments. Also included is the opportunity to (with a couple of other people) cook our monthly community meal. Sign up on the whiteboard on Sundays or look for the announcements in the newsletter or on Facebook.

The liturgy-after-the-liturgy

No one is in charge of getting the space broken down after liturgy and after our shared meals which means everyone is in charge! If you don’t know where something goes, just ask around.


A contemplative prayer retreat in the Fall and a just-hanging-out-and-having-fun retreat at the YMCA of the Rockies (Estes Park) in the Spring.

Community Prayer Meetings

We organize prayer meetings throughout the year. Sometimes this looks like Morning Prayer at the church (seasonal), Evening Prayer during Advent and Lent, or Contemplative Prayer gatherings at folks’ homes. For current prayer gatherings, email our Housekeeper for Prayer and Pastoral Care here.


Sung evening prayer weekly during Advent and Lent.

St. Monica’s Guild

We organize healing prayer and hold trainings on visiting the sick and other pastoral care topics.


We get together and bless bicycles and other alternative transits, animals, school/work supplies. All get blessed with Holy Water and incense and prayer. It’s a big summer picnic potluck for the church, and a great way to casually hang out with Housemates.

Beer & Hymns

A few times a year we meet in a local bar, drink beer and sing hymns. In Advent, we hold Beer & Carols.

Potluck and Community Meal

Once a month we have a potluck right after liturgy and once a month we have a community meal (we take turns cooking the meal for one another). Generally, Potluck is the 2nd Sunday and Community Meal is the 4th Sunday of each month.  Any changes to that schedule are announced via email and the Facebook page.

Supper Clubs

Small, bi-weekly gatherings of HFASSers that all include: 1) Prayer, 2) Sharing a meal, and 3) Checking in with each other.

Office hours with the Pastors

About once a week, Pastor Reagan holds office hours at a local coffee shop. Everyone is welcome to stop by and hang out. The day and time changes week to week, so check your email for details.

Church-Drag-Queen-Bingo, Rock Climbing, Social Workers/Therapists Group,  Family & Children’s Picnics, etc.

These are occasional events that are led by various HFASSers and announced on our Facebook group.