Congregational Sabbatical
We recognize that we have been radically changed by the past 20 months and that the Church has changed. And we recognize that we are tired. Yet, we believe our exhaustion is an invitation from the Holy Spirit to slow down, to ask ourselves along with Martin Luther “What is this?” and wonder together about new ways to share the Good News and gather as the Body of Christ. Because we can’t often dream new paths until we stop doing what we’ve always done. Therefore, for the next few months, worship will look different on Sundays. Between now and Advent, we will gather once for Holy Eucharist on the Feast of All Saints, Nov 7th. On the rest of the Sundays in October, there will be a simple, lay led service of prayer and an Agape Feast (an ancient way of sharing bread and wine outside of the Eucharist). This service will take place in-person at 5 pm and will be streamed online. But for those who need to rest outside of worship, we invite you to take these Sundays to spend with family and friends, go on a hike, see a concert, take a nap, cook something new. But share whatever you get up to with us. You can post on our private Facebook page (if you’re not on it, email us) or you can email photos, videos or reflections to us at On All Saints (11/7), we will gather as a whole community both in-person and online at 5 pm. wear something sparkly or gold.
For more about why we are taking Sabbatical, see the link for more info.
Here’s the worship schedule for the next few weeks.
October 17, 5 PM, Prayers of the People and Agape Feast
October 24, 5 PM, Prayers of the People and Agape Feast
October 31, 5 PM, Prayers of the People and Agape Feast
November 7, 5 PM, Feast of All Saints, Holy Eucharist
November 14, 5 PM, Potluck, Eucharist and Congregational Meeting
November 21, 5 PM, Prayers of the People and Agape Feast
November 28, 5 PM, First Sunday of Advent, Holy Eucharist